Let it bee!

Aggiornato il: 02/11/2023

let it bee

Tuesday 4 April, 5pm - Urban Center/Pecci Museum - Viale della Repubblica 277, Prato

Why are bees so important for ecosystems, including urban ones?
Why are there species at risk of extinction?
What could happen if pollinating animals completely disappeared from the planet?

In response to our questions, Legambiente Toscana - as part of the Prato Urban Jungle project - organizes an interactive meeting to talk together about biodiversity and natural balances.

Luca Baldini, beekeeper and expert in sensory analysis of honey, will help us discover why it is necessary to protect bees even in the city, and to understand, through a series of tastings, the fundamental role that these insects play for the survival of many living beings, including man.

The appointment is for Tuesday 4 April, from 5pm to 7pm, at the Urban Center at the Pecci Museum in Prato, with entrance from the amphitheater side.

Places are limited and booking is required using the following form: https://forms.gle/M5f4uaw2EQCfgCAb8