Action Plan on Urban Forestry in the city of Prato

Aggiornato il: 15/09/2021


Among the issues addressed by the Operational Plan, the environmental aspect finds its expression in the Urban Forestry document where the analysis of urban green benefits by Stefano Mancuso and Pnat is flanked by the intervention strategy or an Action Plan of forestation by the Stefano Boeri Architects Studio. The analysis carried out on 29,151 public trees made it possible to estimate and evaluate their value to guide planning choices: buildings, road areas or waterproofed surfaces without trees are responsible for raising local temperatures.
Among the benefits of the so-called "green infrastructures," we find energy-saving, the increase in the value of buildings, the reduction of pollution, the improvement of air quality, the increase in biodiversity, the reduction of runoff phenomena, and much more.

Action Plan

The Urban Forestry Action Plan, through 6 strategies - River and Gore Park, Infrastructure Mitigation Green, Capillary Green, Peri-urban Agricultural Gulfs and Large Parks, Urban Demineralization and Agricultural Belt Park - aims to increase the wooded areas of the city, in particular in areas with a high rate of urbanization, to restore spaces and corridors of life, through urban re-naturalization processes. A large wood that unites existing and newly planned parks, agricultural areas, and private green spaces in a single system. A planting forecast of 190,000 trees, approximately one for each inhabitant. An effective environmental compensation tool that finds its implementation in the regulatory body of the Operational Plan, anticipating a new schedule.